Valentine’s Day can be a bit of divisive holiday, with some people really enjoying this special opportunity to shower their partner with love and get a bit of a break from the bleakness of winter, whi...
Everything is better when shared with your best friend, and long walks are no exception. If your best friend just so happens to bark and have four legs, chances are you’ll both love the chance to expl...
Geeky about all things Harry Potter? So are we! If you love the wizarding world created by J.K. Rowling as much as you love outdoor adventures, combining the two on a camping or glamping trip is a sur...
We love hiking, mountain biking and all those other camping mainstay activities that get the blood pumping but really, is there nothing better than lazing about by the campfire? Especially when it’s c...
Stargazing makes you really appreciate just how tiny a dot in the universe we are. It’s also a great feeling to see for yourself the constellations and planets whose names you’ve heard all your life a...
Like the name of the area suggests, the Midlands are smack-dab in the middle of England. It consists of large and diverse counties including Worcestershire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, and Nottingha...
The Yorkshire landscape is an iconic part of the shared British consciousness. The heather-covered, windswept moors, lush dales and pastoral farms have become iconic through both adaptations of novels...
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! It’s a joyous time of the year that can quickly turn stressful as you start to think of what to give to your loved ones and just how much it’ll all cost yo...
You might have read the title of this blog and scoffed to yourself: who’d want to go camping when it’s freezing out? Believe it or not, camping in winter can be a wonderful experience: you’ll experien...
If you’re a fan of hiking, it’s important to know the basics of map reading and using a compass. After all, even if you have directions saved on your phone, you never know when you might run out of ba...
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