Holidays at home - a night in a Wigwam
A few weeks ago we spotted this lovely blog on twitter. Kharis, from Home is an Island had a lovely stay at Braewick Wigwams on the Shetland Isles and had written a lovely blog and we just had to share it with you.
Here is the link to her original blog post from her blog ‘Home is an Island’ and, after having a nosey through her blog we discovered she makes the most gorgeous handwoven textiles, take a look here.
Needing a little break but with the idea to stay in Shetland I decided as part of my holiday at home that I’d try out a Wigwam for a night.
There are a couple of sites in Shetland and as I love Eshaness, plus it’s that bit further to drive so really felt I was getting away from work and normal life, I booked one of the Wigwams at the Braewick Café. As I’ve been up to Eshaness quite a bit before I was familiar with the stunningly high cliffs, sea stacks and incredible geology. But still, it always stops me in my tracks! While driving or walking there are so many points at which you just have to come to a halt and take it all in.
It takes about 50 minutes from Lerwick, the capital of Shetland and where you’ll arrive if sailing on the Northlink ferry from Aberdeen. During the drive from Lerwick you’ll notice the change in the landscape, even more so if you’re travelling up from the South mainland (if flying you’ll land at Sumburgh). This area is generally flatter and more green, as you move North this increasingly makes way to expanses of rock and heather among the peat hills.
On arriving at Braewick in the early afternoon I picked up my key and headed over to the Yellow Wigwam, my home for the night. I wasn’t really sure what to expect but as I opened the door and had my first peak inside it felt so cosy, and not in a tiny way! It was far more spacious than I’d have thought from the outside. And as it was just me there was plenty of room! The beds, as well as being really comfy, could be arranged in different configurations, there was a fridge, a kettle and a little heater too.
Home for the night =)
And what a view!
After settling in I checked out the shower/toilet block which was really nice, with a laundry room as well, then continued through the next door into the café itself. I was pretty hungry so very happily sat down for a delicious meal while gazing out of the panoramic windows and planning the rest of my afternoon.
On previous visits to Eshaness I’ve always headed straight out to the Lighthouse so this time decided to explore within easy walking distance. Out the front of the café you can follow the access signs over the fence and down to the beach.
It was so lovely and warm down at the beach, the sand and stones were really holding the heat but the sea was still freezing!
Around Eshaness and the Northmavine area the geology is astounding! Years ago I took so many photos of rocks for inspiration for my textile designs and this time I couldn’t help myself again. Although there were so many other colours and textures jumping out at me too.
Walking out along the banks all I could hear was the sound of waves washing in below, the cries of seabirds above and an occasional sheep. It became almost too hot (by Shetland standards…) so I put my shoes on and wandered back up the hill to my little yellow home.
Outside at the back of the Wigwam was the perfect place to sit soaking up the sun and the views with my textile design books, my knitting and a bottle of Magners. It was so warm I even put on my shorts, and for me that’s a rare thing!
Later on low cloud began slowly creeping in so I took the chance to go for a little drive around the side roads which I hadn’t explored much before. Each one wound along among sea pinks, heather and peat eventually revealing a few houses and maybe a beach or more cliffs opening out to massive rock stacks further out to sea.
I’d definitely had the best of the day outside. As the cloud wrapped its way between the hills and the temperature cooled I made my way into my sleeping bag with that lovely tired, contented feeling you get from sun and sea air.
This will certainly not be my last Wigwam® holiday, the rest of the Scottish Islands are calling!