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Wigwam Holidays Celebreating Women's Equality Day

Votes for women! The twenty-sixth of August is an important day in the history of women’s equality. It was on this day in 1920 that women in the USA were officially given the right to vote, a huge ste...

Work Like A Dog Day

The day began horribly. First, my person packed up their suitcase—which usually means he’s leaving me behind. Then, he made me get in the car—which usually means I’m going to see the vet. But then, ev...

Wigwam® Holidays Camping Pods: What You Should Expect

There’s nothing worse than believing that something will be as good as you expect only to find that it falls far short! If for example, that pricey crème Brulee you ordered in a posh restaurant turns ...

What is a Glamping Pod?

Whilst camping in a basic wooden pod is fine for some people for others luxury beckons in the form of Glamping Pods which offer so much more! With run of the mill options the idea is usually to save m...

What is a Camping Pod?

Chances are that many of us will have wrapped up well and headed for the countryside or beach for a bracing walk in the wintry weather as part of our new year’s resolution to get more exercise. Inspir...

The Best Glamping Hot Chocolate

Winter is full of sensations that make it a special time of year: cold air on your cheeks, the voices of friends gathered around a fire, and the smell of damp earth and woodsmoke. For me, no sensation...

Make Your Own Cowboy Baked Beans

To take your outdoor cooking to the next level, you might need some inspiration from the masters — and who knows more about cooking out under the stars than cowboys? This recipe is a great way to rust...

Make Your Own Campfire Bannocks

‘Bannock’ is a Scottish term for a flat loaf of bread made from a simple dough, and cooked on a skillet or griddle. It’s a traditional recipe that is easy to make and lends itself well to outdoor cook...

How to make your own S'mores on a campfire

We’re looking across the pond for our inspiration for this outdoor cooking recipe; or recipes, in fact. S’mores are a classic American campfire dessert, and a favourite for generations of kids (and ad...

The Ultimate Campfire Cooked Breakfast

A good cooked breakfast is more than just a meal — it’s a statement of intent. It signals to the world that today is a day dedicated to you, and to enjoying the good things in life. It gets made rever...