Wigwam Holidays® Brampton is the ideal place to stay for the avid fly angler or even those looking to catch their first fish, as we are a part of New Mills Trout Fishing Park. There are two fishing lakes onsite suitable for varying levels of experience. Please get in touch with the fishery to reserve your spot or with any enquiries - enquiries@newmillstrout.co.uk (PLEASE NOTE THE FISHERY IS CLOSED ON WEDNESDAYS)

Fly Fishing 

New Mills' Fly Lake is a stream-fed water home to hard-fighting specimens of rainbow, tiger, blue and brown Trout up to 15lbs. The lake is open all year round, except for Wednesdays.

We offer Fly Fishing Tuition all year round with our qualified instructor, booking in advance is essential. Please contact enquiries@newmillstrout.co.uk for more information. 
More Information
Fun Fishing
Try out our Fun Fishing/Bait Pond and catch your first-ever fish!
Stocked with small rainbow Trout, the bait pond offers great fun for the novice young or old. Even better, enjoy the experience of cooking it on your firepit for tea, we'll even gut/fillet your fish ready to cook. Rod hire is £5, including bait and all the necessary equipment. The fun fishing pond is a catch & kill water, so all fish caught must be dispatched and paid for at our going rate per Lb. Between April and September reserving a time slot if required due to how busy we get, these are; 9.30-11.30am; 11.30am-1.30pm; 2-4pm. 

More Information

Fishing Events 2025

Throughout the year we hold fishing events for children and adults, competitions etc. For more information and to book please visit Fishery Events

Adult Fly Fishing Competition

Sunday 16th March (fly lake closed)

Juniors' Fishing Taster Days

Friday 21st & Friday 28th February

Tuesday 15th April

Saturday 24th May

Juniors' Fly Fishing Competition (fly lake closed)

Sunday 6th April